October 29, 2012

Camgirl Question: I want to be a webcam model but...?

Here is a question I got from an aspiring webcam model and I get this question quite often. I've included my reply, however, I'm interested to hear words of advice from other camgirls. Read the question and my reply below, and then leave your advice to this lady in the comment box.

I'm 21 years old. I'm from Puerto Rico and I want to become a webcam model, but there is a few things. Even if I'm comfortable with my body, I can't have nobody recognize who I am, it will damage my daytime career HUGE TIME, and I love my day career too. I also make YouTube videos related to my career, so I will need to be really careful. At first I was told I can wear a mask, but then I realize I can't. I don't know what to do! What tips can you give me to be a webcam model without looking like myself.”

The basic answer is some (but not all) cam sites allow the performer to block certain countries or regions from viewing her broadcast. Also, you can invest in some wigs and colored contacts, even though I don't think they really create so much of a dramatic change that you can't be identified by someone who really knows you. Furthermore, as I said in one of my channel videos, the only way people will find you is if, A) you tell them, or B) they are a visitor to the site you're on or other porn sites....in which case, how can they say anything to you? Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

“Second problem, I moved back with my parents because I can't afford living out anymore (this is why I need to become a webcam model), How do you do so your kid doesn't hear what you are doing, in my case my parents?”

The part I boldfaced and underlined is a huge red flag for me. You are basically saying you feel like you need to become a webcam model because of money or out of desperation for money. You have to have a reason for wanting to be in this business other than money. There will be days where you will make no or very little money and you will have to put in a lot of time & energy both on and off camera in order to make the money you do earn. If you don't have a non-money motivator, you will find yourself being inconsistent, getting defeated and giving up. I'm not saying that many don't get into the business for the money, but the ladies who make the most money and have the most fun doing it, are the models who do this because they truly enjoy it, want to do it, and don't care what anyone has to say about it.

As far as your living situation is concerned, you can cam at night when everyone is asleep, and use a microphone headset so that you don't have to be loud in order to be heard.

“The rest is ok with me, I have no problem getting naked or masturbating in camera. Please reply I'm really anxious about it! Thanks!”

I'd suggest that you look for a part time job in your daytime career field or a related field that won't cause you so much concern and feeling like you have to hide. Its awesome that you are a open and comfortable with yourself sexually, however, that doesn't mean being a webcam model is the best choice for you. If you still want to be a camgirl, please take time to watch all the videos on my YouTubechannel, so you can be fully aware of what this business entails and make an informed decision. Thank you for your questions and I hope this helps.

~Unique ♥

Fellow cam models, what say you? Do you think my advice was on point, or would you suggest something different? Share your advice in the comment box below.

Lube Freebies for Camgirls

Many of you are probably familiar with the concept of Extreme Couponing. Well, I'm what I call a "freebie chaser". Clipping coupons isn't so much my style, however, I love to collect free samples and gifts. I've been doing it for about a year, and I love it because everytime I go to the mailbox it's like Christmas.

Anywho, I came across these two freebies for lube and of course, I had to pass it on to all you fellow cam models. This is our kind of freebie. I don't know how long these free sample offers will be available, so go and grab yours now.

Pink Intimate Lubricants and Sensual Wellness Free Sample 

AstroGlide Lubricant Free Sample

The great thing about being a freebie chaser is that often times, the freebie sample comes with a coupon anyway. So I get to sample the product and save money if I decide to buy it.  ♥

Search & Win
For more great freebies, sign up and start earning Swagbucks. The $5 Amazon gift cards are the best bang for your bucks, IMO, and I've also cashed out for the Wal-Mart, iTunes, and SpaFinder gift cards.

October 26, 2012

Cam Model Marketing Part 2

Check out Part 2 of the Cam Model Marketing Series. In this video, I share exactly how to start building a list of prospective customers that you can market to via e-mail. 

October 19, 2012

Cam Model Marketing Part 1

Here is the first installment of my Cam Girl Marketing series!

In this video, you will learn why a blog (like this one) is an essential tool for cam models and how to get started with blogging.

October 17, 2012

How the General Population Views Women in the Sex Industry

I like to have the television on when I am at home even if I'm not watching it. Its kind of a quirky habit I have; using the TV as background noise while cleaning, doing my make-up (or in today's case, taking some photos). Dr. Drew had Dennis Hof, owner of The Moonlight Bunny Ranch, and his girlfriend on today's show and they were talking with women who wanted to work as prostitutes at the ranch.

What really caught my attention though, was the way Dr Drew talked to these women. How he called them desperate and told them they would regret it for the rest of their lives. I stopped what I was doing, sat down and felt the rage build up inside of me. No wonder society has such negative views against women in the sex industry. Every time we turn on our television some bigoted daytime television host is berating a woman for wanting to choose a career that will allow her to pay for school, feed her kids or put a down payment on a house. They talk down to them, telling them you could do so much better as if selling sex is a last resort for the hopeless and soulless, thus re-enforcing the idea that the sex industry is horrible and anyone in it is fucked up in some way and cannot work a regular job.

Sure, many women DO get into the industry out of desperation, but not all of us do. Some of us even enjoy it. I have worked various sex related jobs and I have never regretted any of it. In fact, I love what I do and do not feel bad or worthless over any of the choices I have made. I have the freedom to be myself, look however I want, be my own boss. I no longer have to smile and clench my teeth at a minimum wage job where over entitled customers yell in my face for something minute and pointless. Women in this industry are strong and smart. I know escorts and strippers who have their shit together more so than any of these close minded assholes that put them down and call them whores. I bet all those parents that were outraged at Sasha Grey for reading to their kids never once did a second of volunteer work or donated to a charity.

We don't want your pity. We don't need to be saved. Either accept us for the amazing people we are, or mind your own fucking business.

October 13, 2012

Camgirl Tip: The Backwards Show

Here is a great tip from webcam model, Sophie Moon
I think this is a great suggestion. Give it a try and leave a comment sharing your results!
This pretty awesome for the girls who use 'group' flavored camming sites like Cam4 and Chaturbate and you could maybe use it in Free Chat just with different tiers (it will make sense in a minute) starting at "panties and bra" instead of "masturbating with 2 toys"
I have learned something very interesting about psychology, which is this: Fear of loss is a stronger motivator than desire for gain. Based on this information, I have invented a new kind of public tipping show which I like to call "The Backwards Show" because it has a tendency to move backwards.
Most girls wait until they have met their goal, and then do what they have promised. However, I have found, that I earn more tips more rapidly by starting at the highest tier: masturbating with 2 toys. I promise to do so for only 10 minutes, while informing the viewers (through my goal text) that after 10 minutes, if I have not earned $20 in tips, I will take a toy away. After 10 minutes have passed and the goal hasn't been met, I retain the progress made (let's say $6 out of $20) while taking a toy away and resetting the goal. I then masturbate with one toy for 10 minutes, at which point, I take the toy away and start masturbating with fingers only, unless I reach my goal, at which point, I will add a toy.
Here are the tiers:  
2 toys  
1 toy
Finger touching
Bra off
Shorts off
Top off
Fully Clothed
(Secret tier #0: Offline [lol])
It really really works and I'm super proud of myself for thinking of it :D Guys fight to stay on the top tiers!

October 7, 2012

Does Being A Webcam Model Affect Your Dating Life and Relationships?

 How does being an adult webcam model affect your dating life? Do you think it is best to date within the industry?

After watching this video, leave a comment about your camgirl dating experiences. 

October 4, 2012

Open Relationship Rules

Mrs. Kenya K. Stevens
For some reason, people have always seen me as a counselor, therapist, problem solver. I guess its because I’m a good listener or maybe because they know I’m a forward-moving, solutions focused type of person. Either way, lately, many people have been coming to me about their relationship issues or peeves about relationships in general.

Often the subject of progressive, or “open” relationships comes up. To some men they sound like the stuff dreams are made of...the ability to be with multiple women without punishment.  For the ladies, I’ve heard mixed emotions ranging from, “HAYYYLLLE to the NAHLL, my man is mine! I’m not sharing" to “Well, hell, I’d rather know what’s going on, then be lied to and betrayed behind my back.”

Now, I’m no expert on relationships, especially the open kind, so I contacted the person I felt was best qualified to speak on this topic of open relationships and what they really are like for the couples who choose this path.

I’m super excited to share with you my recent interview with celebrity love coach, best selling author, and founder of The Progressive Love Movement, Mrs. Kenya K. Stevens.
Kenya and her husband Carl, have a successful, loving, open relationship and she has 
offered us her insight about how they have made it work. It’s a good read! Enjoy!


Explain some things that may let a couple know that they are ready to open their relationship?

I wrote an article on this one... Ten Ways To Know You're Ready For An Open Relationship.  But the key points are simple.  Do you know the real purpose of sex?  Do you know about tantric sex?  Do you know that sex is sacred?  Do you understand the true purpose of relationships?  

The answer to these questions are something many don’t even think about... and if they do, they have wavering answers... This won’t work in the open relationship set.  Open relationships are about mindful living... responsible living and having a serious commitment and accountability to more than just one person, but especially to oneself!  

Anyone who wants an open relationship must first have great relationships - with Self, Source, others, and a preferably a Primary love...  Also, these persons must understand what a relationship is - relationships are OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH - that’s all!  Nothing more, nothing less.  Sound romantic?  I think not.  The entire purpose of relating to other human beings is to be challenged to grow character.  

Open relationships are not a joke.  They should be embarked upon by mature people who know that leaving a relationship when the going gets tough, shaming and blaming others for relationships problems, and posing as victim in relationships are unacceptable.  Most don’t think on this level, so I’d say most simply are not ready...

Give us some reasons why a couple may want to avoid an open relationship? What circumstances would make having an open relationship a bad idea?

It’s a bad idea to open a relationship in order to save the relationship.  It won’t work.  Another bad idea is opening a relationship where one partner is not on board.  Both partners should be ready for the work and challenges that lie ahead.  

To open the relationship means a rejection of typical American thought.  This is not an easy undertaking!  The staples of American relationships are jealousy, fear, insecurity and envy.  TO sidestep these, both partners should be on board for the work!

What are some issues that develop once a couple decides to open their relationship? What are the typical points for resistance?

The points of resistance are simple.  He is out with another woman and you are pissed, afraid, upset, off the hook and going crazy.  Now what are you going to do?  You have no idea, right?  Which is why so many steer away from living authentic relationships such as open relationships.  

The deal is that we need training to do this.  In fact, we need training to Master Monogamy in the first place.  There is no easy way to overcome 25+ years of baggage like anger issues, insecurity, jealousy, envy, and depression.  Each challenge that arises in an open relationships should be met by two mindful people who realize they have to support one another.

For instance, my husband and I have both dealt with these feelings in our open marriage.  We have had to support one another.  So when either of us come home from another lover, we take time to re-integrate ourselves.  Whomever was gone out with another, and even made love to another, comes close to the one who stayed home.  We take time to let our partner know that we love them very much, missed them, and are fully in love and devoted to the other.  This is called compassion.  Necessary for open love.

How can both partners best prepare for the journey that is open relationships?

To prepare for the journey into open relationships, a couple must size up their singular relationship and make sure they know the ground rules.  These are not actually rules at all as we believe rules are for fools.  But these are foundational principles that we live by in our open relationship.

1.  No shame No Blame - there should be no blaming or shaming the other for what they do, don’t do, or have done in the past... there can’t be for open relating to work!
2.  No cop outs No Drop outs - there should be no exit route... this couple should be a forever things, that is the commitment.
3.  No victims No Villains - make sure your relationship is free of placing either partner in the victim or villains roles... to open both parties have to know that they are each creating their own lives...
4.  The purpose is Growth, The benefit is Love.  - make sure you know the main purpose of relationships... Growth.  The benefit of working through issues with your partner with a life long commitment is so that you can actually foster real love... real love has the four qualities listed here.     

Q5. What advice would you have for someone who is or is considering being involved with a person in an open relationship?

Try not to consider the idea of having your new partner leave their current relationship.  This is the problem with single people dating married people, or people in open relationships.   They want exclusivity but this is not the nature of an open relationship.  This has to be known and accepted up front.  No secret motive to the contrary...

Find out more about open love and relationships as well as tightening up your monogamous relationship here at JujuMama - http://jujumama.com  http://jujumamablog.com

Be sure to grab our books - Tame Your Woman and Change Your Man